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25-09-2024 | read

UTKRISHTI, a Women Leadership Programme was inaugurated by Shri Anil Kumar Jadli, Director (HR) at PMI on 25th September. Ms Rachana Singh Bhal, CGM (HR) - Strategic HR & Talent Management and Shri Apurv Anamesh, Director (Business Development), SHRM were also present at the event. The three-day 'UTKRISHTI' programme was organized by PMI in collaboration with SHRM which has brought together 32 participants from various NTPC projects. These participants, ranging from Grades E2 to E7 represent a vibrant mix of emerging and seasoned women executives.

Shri Anil Kumar Jadli, Director (HR) emphasized NTPC's dedication to fostering talent and diversity. He mentioned that NTPC has made great strides in fostering gender diversity with women now comprising 7.5% of our workforce. Initiatives like all-women engineering batch of 2021 challenge stereotypes and promote women in non-traditional roles, including power plant operations. Overcoming barriers—whether societal or internal—requires confidence, resilience, and support. NTPC is committed to providing a safe and empowering environment offering flexible work conditions, childcare, and a strong support system. He further emphasized that Mentorship is key in leadership, and as we grow, we should guide others.

Ms Rachana Singh Bhal, CGM (HR) expressed her delight at the diversity of participants, stating that leadership is not confined to any single level but is a journey that evolves throughout one's career. She stressed on the potential within every woman at NTPC. She urged the participants to explore their inner strengths, overcome barriers, and continue pushing boundaries.

Shri Apurv Anamesh, Director (SHRM), highlighted the successful partnership between NTPC and SHRM, commending NTPC’s visionary approach in designing the UTKRISHTI program. He emphasized that such programs offer participants a unique chance to develop leadership skills essential for both individual and organizational success.