PMI launched Certification Program on Green Hydrogen and Green Chemicals for 2nd batch on 26th December 2024, in association with IIT Bombay in an online mode. The programme is being attended by 42 participants, & includes 24 sessions spread over two months, with 2-3 sessions conducted on a weekly basis. Participants would receive a Certificate upon successful completion of the program, which includes a rigorous assessment for evaluating their understanding and proficiency in the domain.
During the inaugural session, Prof Pratibha Sharma, IIT Bombay outlined the program's comprehensive curriculum, designed to blend theoretical insights with practical applications. Prof Usha Ananthakumar, Dean (Educational Outreach), IIT Bombay, emphasized the transformative impact of outreach programs in bridging the gap between academia and industry & highlighted how such initiatives serve as vital platforms for knowledge exchange.
Ms Rachana Singh Bhal, Chief General Manager (Strategic HR & Talent Management) highlighted the pivotal role of capacity-building programs in equipping employees with the knowledge and skills needed to drive NTPC’s sustainability goals. Mr DMR Panda, Chief General Manager (RE-Hydrogen), emphasised NTPC’s strategic focus on green hydrogen as a cornerstone of its renewable energy initiatives & detailed NTPC’s ongoing efforts to integrate green hydrogen into its business strategy.