Bal Bhawan brought joy and cheer to its children by organizing a vibrant celebration for Christmas, New Year, and Lohri. The event was filled with enthusiasm as the children participated in various cultural and recreational activities that highlighted the festive spirit.
The program commenced with Christmas-themed performances, where children showcased their talents in carol singing and skits, followed by the lighting of the Lohri bonfire. Traditional dances around the bonfire brought the celebrations to life. The New Year segment was marked by creative art and craft activities, ensuring an inclusive and engaging experience for all.
President of Priyadarshini Ladies Club, Smt. Taruna Chhabra, graced the occasion as the chief guest. While addressing the gathering, she said, “It’s heartwarming to witness the joy and enthusiasm of the children during these celebrations. Events like these not only spread happiness but also help instill a sense of cultural heritage among young minds. Priyadarshini Ladies Club is committed to supporting such initiatives that nurture and empower children.”
The celebrations concluded with the distribution of gifts and sweets, leaving the children with smiles and fond memories to cherish.